Grade 13 - Electives

Philosophy: The Big Picture

Philosophy: The Big Picture (Credit: 1.00)

This course will take you on an exciting adventure that covers more than 2,500 years of history! Along the way, you'll run into some very strange characters. For example, you'll read about a man who hung out on street corners, barefoot and dirty, pestering everyone he met with questions. You'll learn about another eccentric who climbed inside a stove to think about whether he existed. Despite their odd behavior, these and other philosophers of the Western world are among the most brilliant and influential thinkers of all time. As you learn about these great thinkers, you'll come to see how and where many of the most fundamental ideas of Western Civilization originated. You'll also get a chance to ask yourself some of the same questions these great thinkers pondered. By the time you've "closed the book" on this course, you will better understand yourself and the world around you-from atoms to outer space-and everything in between.