Grade 10 - Science

Chemistry B - Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)

It follows the Chemistry 1 A course. In Chemistry 1 B, students will investigate chemical bonding, thermochemistry, and acids and bases. The importance of the scientific method to solve real world problems will be investigated. Knowledge will be gained in the following areas: organic chemistry, biochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. This course will also stress the important relationship between math and science. Students will use higher order thinking throughout the entire course. An algebra background is recommended because of the amount and type of math involved.

Major Concepts:

Atoms having great electronegativity differences will combine to form ionic bonds. Atoms that share electrons equally form covalent bonds. Water is a unique compound held together by strong hydrogen bonding.
Chemists express the concentrations of solutions in various units.
Heat flows from higher temperature to lower temperature.
The specific heat of an object is related to its mass and temperature.
Pressure, volume and temperature are factors that determine the behavior of a gas.
At equilibrium, the rate of the forward and reverse reactions are equal.
Many chemical reactions exhibit acid/base behavior.
There is a systematic method for naming organic compounds.
Life is based on chemical and physical principles.
Many nuclear processes can be described by three types of particles released by the atom.
Neutralization reactions involve an acid and a base and will react to form water and a salt.
Oxidation-Reduction reactions are based upon the transfer of electrons.