Grade 9 - English

Language Arts 9B - Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)

Like semester A, semester B consists of integrated units focused on a theme or mode of study. Literature study in semester B focuses on the analysis of different forms of literature and on comparative studies of world literature and literature delivered in different media. Writing and informational text lessons guide students through the stages of research and demonstrate how to evaluate, integrate, and share the information gathered during research. Students are required to share their ideas and analysis using several different modes, including oral and multimedia presentations.

Major Concepts:

Literary forms
Comparative literature
Literary analysis
Evaluating arguments
Research process and skills
Forms of media and multimedia

Required Novels (choose one per semester):

Romeo and Juliet (Semester A)
To Kill a Mockingbird (Semester B)

Optional Novels (Choose 1 per Semester)

The Old Man and the Sea
House on Mango Street
Fahrenheit 451
The Odyssey
Ender’s Game
Speak of Mice and Men