Grade 6 - Electives

Study Skills (Credit: 0.50)

In this course, students will learn how to become a better-organized and more successful student. Study Skills will also strengthen students writing skills as well as learn other academic success skills. Everything students learn in this course can be applied to other online courses. This course asks a lot of the student; it will be an easy A! However, students will have fun and gain self-confidence in their newfound abilities as a student. Having good study skills not only helps individuals become successful students, but also helps them become successful adults later in life. The skills taught in this course help students become stronger readers and writers. These skills will help students whether they go on to college or enter the workforce after high school. Writing, studying, note taking, reading, and communicating with teachers is not as difficult as students may think. Throughout this course, students will learn a variety of skills related to organization, time management, planning, communicating, and self-advocacy. Projects, assignments, readings, and the teacher will guide students as they begin their quest to becoming stronger writers and successful students.