No, this isn’t an attempt to re-create the Clampetts. This is our van loaded for a one week camping trip. It was Yellowstone or bust! And the van did nearly bust at the seams with all the accommodations needed for eight people. With two car top carriers and every inch of interior space crammed, we went; we saw; we made a lot of great memories.

Gearing up for any adventure takes a great deal of thoughtful planning and careful preparation! We have been gearing up for another adventure lately as the beginning of the school year is upon us. There are things to acquire, decisions to be made, options to be weighed.

Are you gearing up for a homeschool adventure? Here are a few things to consider:

Choose your equipment wisely. Our trek to Wyoming required tents, sleeping bags, coolers, food, hiking shoes and packs, and a good dose of stamina! To accomplish your homeschool goal, you will need to choose your tools – the most important being the homeschool curriculum you will use. There are so many choices out there. Some families follow a traditional approach with workbooks and possibly DVDs. Other families enroll their students in an online school staffed by certified teachers. Many families make the most of the many online curriculum choices available. Online curriculum is popular because it provides so much material in a cost-effective format. Internet-based learning means that families can choose the schedule and students can work at their own pace. Most online tracks progress so parents can see exactly what students have learned and what they need to learn.

One source for choosing online curriculum is Global Student Network. This warehouse of online curriculum offers six different accredited learning systems for grades K -12 from one location. Choices include Christian, secular, Honors, Common Core, non Common core, career/technical, Rosetta Stone, and numerous high school electives. GSN’s website ( gives you a side-by-side comparison as well as demos of the various curricula. GSN also provides “real people” who can assist with questions.

Don’t forget anyone! So far our family has a perfect record. We haven’t forgotten anyone yet – Yellowstone or elsewhere! With a family of five kids, that is saying something! Counting noses comes as natural as breathing when we are out and about with the clan.

When preparing for a homeschool adventure, don’t forget anyone! For example, if you have a highly visual learner, don’t forget to choose learning tools that will make the most of that strength. If you have a learner that needs complete quiet in order to concentrate, don’t forget to create an environment that will enable them to succeed. Have an active one? Don’t forget to plan for times to move around. Considering each student’s needs means no one gets left behind on your learning adventure.

Know where you’re headed. A clear destination and a clear way of getting there is invaluable, whether you’re headed through the Grand Tetons or through grade 5 homeschool! Do you want to include music lessons? Is playing a sports team important? Does your student want to work on an advanced math level? After you think through exactly what your goals are, write them out. Then plan exactly how you will reach those goals.

Be prepared for anything. No matter how carefully you plan and prepare, something will come up that you were not expecting. For us, the trip took much longer than we had planned. That meant we were setting up our tents with darkness threatening and hungry kids asking for dinner. In the rain. Not ideal, not what we expected, but part of the adventure nonetheless! For us, the key to surviving these moments is recognizing them as just that – moments! They do not define the whole experience.

In your homeschool journey, there will be days that do not go according to plan. There will be moments of utter frustration. Likely you will at some point wonder if you even made the right choice to homeschool! Prepare for these moments by finding support like a fellow homeschool parent who can empathize with you and offer encouragement. And be ready to help that parent keep sight of the big picture when they need perspective too.

Being prepared for anything also means that sometimes the greatest learning comes in the unplanned moments. The beauty of homeschool is you can teach in the moment. If a spider suddenly shows up right in the middle of multiplication facts, you have the freedom to take a break from the four times tables and do some arachnid research. It seems at times being flexible with your planning is as important as the planning itself.

So happy packing! And all the best on your upcoming journey! May you arrive at the end the school year busting at the seams with great learning and meaningful memories.